Hearty Warm Salad for Busy Weeknights

This hearty warm salad is a quick, easy way to get a plant based, super nutritious, and filling meal into your busy week. All you need is to make sure you have a good variety of vegetables and starchy vegetables on hand. You can pretty much substitute any ingredient here for whatever you want to use up in your kitchen. This recipe proves that healthy doesn’t have to be hard!

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Zucchini Noodles with Shiitake Mushrooms

Here’s a nutrient-dense powerhouse utilizing zucchini noodles, that’s also bursting with flavor. Shiitake mushrooms have little-known nutritional talent, providing a great source of B vitamins and other nutrients not as commonly found in other plants. I also love how quick and simple this is to make. It can be enjoyed right away as a warm dinner, or stored in mason jars for lunch on the go. Enjoy!

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vegan caesar-style salad with roasted yams and pomegranate

I love making hearty, colorful, nutrient dense salads for dinner, like this vegan caesar style salad.

Some salads consist of a variety of fresh, raw vegetables. For this filling-yet light salad, I used leftover oven roasted yams. But leftovers or not, you can roast up some yams, beets, rutabagas, and put together a delicious, plant-based entre salad in less than 30 minutes. Read More

Root Vegetable Stacks with Wild Mushroom Ragout

These root vegetable stacks are a great example of what you can prepare with just a few ingredients, and at those times when you have nothing planned for dinner. Thinking of what to make for dinner always sits in the back of my mind throughout the day, no matter what else is going on. The other day I was experiencing a busy and challenging day. I knew I needed to go grocery shopping but didn’t have the time. So I resigned to the idea that I would just work with whatever I had in the kitchen when I got home. By the time it was over, I was reminded that sometimes breaking the pattern of relying on regular grocery staples is just the ticket I need to get the creative culinary juices flowing. What is the point of this story? When you are charged with preparing dinner and all you have on hand is a yam, a beet, and some mushrooms, take a pause, make like you are in a cottage in Provence, and romance some garden herbs and that jar of Dijon mustard sitting in the back of the fridge! In most cases, simpler is actually a lot better. Embrace what you have, make it the star, and you will never go wrong!

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Healthy Cocktail for Valentine’s Day

You don’t have to intoxicate your body just to prove your love to your valentine. Instead of the typical toxic alcoholic beverage, try this healthy cocktail instead! If you and your special someone truly love each other, you’ll want to support each-other to live happy, healthy, long lives! With that, here is a super simple recipe for a healthy adult beverage that will support digestion and provide your body with antioxidants

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Portobello Mushroom Stuffed with Miso-Ginger Squash

I’ve always suspected that butternut squash and miso would love hanging out together… and I was totally right! This combination, along with the marinated Portobello mushroom, packs a lot of flavor. And it’s a super easy way to warm up your winter weeknight dinner table.

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Indian Spiced Black Eyed Pea Hummus

Now that the heavy-hitting holidays are officially over, it’s nice to lighten things up a bit. This recipe gives consideration to the New Year’s tradition that originated in the south, of eating black-eyed peas for prosperity in the New Year. But this offers more versatility. Enjoy this hummus on a sandwich, a top a cracker as an hors d’oeuvre, or even as a dip with raw vegetables, in the event you have already decided to take on a post-New Year’s detox or weight-loss program. I enjoyed it on some leftover sourdough bread crostini along side a baby green salad.

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Immune Support Superfood Soup

I know I have been posting a lot of soups lately! I love soups because they are a simple way to get complex, nutrient density from whole foods into your life. October is a good time to start giving your immune system a little TLC. And this immune support soup recipe contains some of the best sources for key immune supporting nutrients. And, it is free of any inflammatory foods that might bog your body down or tamper with your digestion. Read More

Pear & Red Kuri Squash Soup

The feeling of fall has moved in right on schedule here in Los Angeles. So red kuri squash soup is where my mind went when I saw some beautiful red kuris at the Farmers market. This soup is super simple and can be made in a matter of minutes while you are multi-tasking and doing other stuff. I love doing recipes that don’t require a lot of measuring. Many people don’t realize how easy cooking is, and how it often doesn’t have to be perfectly exact. Getting fresh, nutrient dense foods into your body while also enjoying the flavors, shouldn’t be a daunting project! In retrospect, I think it would have been nice to garnish this with some pomegranate seeds. Perhaps there is an update in this recipe’s future! Read More

Beet, Avocado & Tomato Salad with Blood Orange & Fennel Pollen

I recently stumbled across a jar of wild crafted fennel pollen at Cookbook, a funky little grocery market near my house. They carry stuff like locally grown produce, kombu, and to my delight, fennel pollen! Fennel pollen is kind of magical because it can be sprinkled on a variety of things- salad, popcorn, grilled fish, vine ripened tomato slices, fresh fruit– and it gives whatever it’s sprinkled on a really awesome, unique taste. And Fennel pollen has therapeutic qualities too! For this recipe I tied it into a salad with a citrus dressing, just pulling from some seasonal stuff I had picked up at the Farmers Market.

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