5 Whole-Food Diet Tips for Busy Schedules

whole foods diet

When following a healthier, whole foods diet, busy schedules and between-meal snacks can become a challenge. So I prepared some tips that might help give you the upper hand you need to stay on top of a whole foods diet and keep the processed, convenience food to a bare minimum.

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Ketogenic Diet- An Objective Review

ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet seems to be on everyone’s minds and googling fingertips. This ultra-low-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein eating plan is gaining a great deal of traction on social media. If you search #keto on Instagram, you’ll get nearly two million posts in return.

So what’s all the rage? Is it another fad diet, or is there some solid, evidence based substance behind this diet that you can count on as a real nutrition lifestyle solution? I gave this diet a shot, a couple different times, to find out

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4 Ways to Create Healthy Lifestyle Habits that Last

healthy lifestyle habits

Sometimes no matter how much great nutrition advice we get, it really comes down to our ability to create sustainable healthy lifestyle habits. With that, I created this quick “pop-up” blog post to help readers simplify their healthy lifestyle routines. See if you can apply any of this to your day-to-day life. Enjoy, and tell me what you think in the comments!

Start Early in the Day

Your willpower tends to be highest at the beginning of the day, so harness that energy and use it to your advantage.  A great example is crockpot cooking: your desire to be healthy can motivate you to toss ingredients into a crockpot in the morning, so you’re not dealing with cooking when you’re tired after a long day at work.

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