Pear & Red Kuri Squash Soup

The feeling of fall has moved in right on schedule here in Los Angeles. So red kuri squash soup is where my mind went when I saw some beautiful red kuris at the Farmers market. This soup is super simple and can be made in a matter of minutes while you are multi-tasking and doing other stuff. I love doing recipes that don’t require a lot of measuring. Many people don’t realize how easy cooking is, and how it often doesn’t have to be perfectly exact. Getting fresh, nutrient dense foods into your body while also enjoying the flavors, shouldn’t be a daunting project! In retrospect, I think it would have been nice to garnish this with some pomegranate seeds. Perhaps there is an update in this recipe’s future! Read More

Beet, Avocado & Tomato Salad with Blood Orange & Fennel Pollen

I recently stumbled across a jar of wild crafted fennel pollen at Cookbook, a funky little grocery market near my house. They carry stuff like locally grown produce, kombu, and to my delight, fennel pollen! Fennel pollen is kind of magical because it can be sprinkled on a variety of things- salad, popcorn, grilled fish, vine ripened tomato slices, fresh fruit– and it gives whatever it’s sprinkled on a really awesome, unique taste. And Fennel pollen has therapeutic qualities too! For this recipe I tied it into a salad with a citrus dressing, just pulling from some seasonal stuff I had picked up at the Farmers Market.

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